You can help to make a difference by helping to raise money to support research to defeat GBMs by hosting your own community event. Whether you raise $50 or $50,000, the GBM Foundation is here to support your efforts in organizing and hosting a great fundraiser!
Ideas for fundraising in your community:
Host an "Ales for Ashley" event in your home town
Golf Scramble
5k Run or Walk
Bake Sale
Bowling, Dodgeball, Soccer, Cornhole, Kickball Tournament
Bike Ride
Concert or Battle of the Bands
Brewery Night or Bar Night
Restaurant Night or Dine & Donate (ask local restaurants to participate)
Cook Out or Chili Cook Off
Game Night
Wine Tasting Event
Superbowl Squares
Casino Night
Donate Merchandise to Sell (paintings, tshirts, koozies, bracelets, etc...)
Instead of Birthday gifts, ask friends to support your charity
If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser please, contact us!