The Gail Boyter Magness Foundation has completed its first year and, thanks to you, we raised nearly $20,500 to fight brain tumor cancer.
30% of these funds were raised through donations and 70% was raised through events such as “Ales for Ashley” in Arlington and Atlanta, wine tasting at Total Wines, Trivia Night with Dirty South Trivia, and raffles at the Atlanta Beer Festivals.
In 2017, the GBM Foundation donated $12,500 to the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory meeting half of our three year commitment. Remaining funds from 2017 will be used to finish our commitment to the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory next year. We were fortunate enough to hear Dr. Erwin Van Meir, from Emory, speak at “Ales for Ashley” in Atlanta. He informed us of the basic research on cancer cell growth that is underway at Emory and the need for private funds to support this research until enough data is gathered to present to the National Cancer Institute for Government Funding.
In addition to these GBM Foundation activities, we also supported the National Brain Tumor Society Head to the Hill event in Washington to meet with Congressional staffers to discuss the need for additional cancer research funds and to advocate for fast-tracking of the Childhood Cancer Act (STAR) to improve data collection in childhood brain cancer, now the number one cause of cancer related deaths in children. We reached out to many of you to contact your Congressional representatives to support these important initiatives and we will continue to ask for your help in 2018.
We, along with many of you, also supported the Fort Worth Brain Tumor Walk and helped raise over $112,000 for brain tumor advocacy and research.
In 2018, we will continue to raise funds and awareness to fight brain tumors with emphasis on Glioblastoma (GBM) research. We will partner with UT Southwest Cancer Center for the “Ales for Ashley” event in Arlington (March 24th) and all profits will go to fund their research in GBMs. We are exploring hosting an “Ales for Ashley” Hendersonville, NC where Ashley was raised as well as a Kickball Tournament in Atlanta.
There were 12,390 new cases of GBMs diagnosed in 2017, including Senator John McCain. The median survival rate is 16 months. Five year survival rate is 5%. Progress against this cancer has been slow as it is complex and hard to reach. The GBM Foundation, with your help, will continue to fund basic research in hopes of accelerating the survival rates and ultimately, finding a cure so families like ours do not have to see their loved ones lives cut short.
Thanks to all of you who have supported Ashley and the Foundation!
Happy New Year,
Carly and Ric