2019 was a very busy year for the GBM Foundation. We held three Ales for Ashley fundraisers – one at Legal Draft in Arlington TX, one at Blue Ghost in Fletcher, NC and one at Second Self in Atlanta, GA. These are our major fund-raising events through the sale of tickets, through raffles and silent auctions. At Blue Ghost we made a beer in honor of Ashley – Ashley’s Amber Ale – and we received the proceeds from the sales of this batch. We had great turnouts at all three Ales events and are thankful to our volunteers, sponsors, bands, and emcees who make it all possible.
In addition to the Ales events, we also participated in four events in Atlanta – the Winter Beer Festival, Bunchfest, Wine Fest and Summer Beer Festival. Thanks to Half Pint Productions for sponsoring us at these events. These events help to raise awareness of cancer through sales of T-shirts and with literature. We had the chance to meet a cancer survivor and her support group at one of the festivals.
Through these events and with generous donations from individuals and Corporations, we raised over $49,000. All expenses were personally offset by Ric and Carly, so every cent of these donations is available for brain cancer research. Your donations are precious to us and it is our commitment that 100% of your generosity is used for the cause.
Our goal is to donate to the most innovative GBM research and personally meet with the researchers who are benefiting from your donations. $15,000 was donated to Northwestern University to support the Lou and Jean Malnati Brian Tumor Institute and the work being done by Dr. Wainwright and his team in immunotherapy. Carly and Ric had the opportunity to attend the brain tumor gala and meet Dr. Wainwright and the team. While there, we also got to meet Dr. Stupp whose work in concurrent chemotherapy and radiation is the standard of care for GBM patients.
$10,000 was donated to UTSW-Dallas and the work being done by Dr. Mahr. A group of supporters met with Dr. Mahr’s team and we were all very impressed with the mouse modelling, work in compounds, genetic modifications, and other scientific approaches.
Finally, $11,000 was donated to the National Brain Tumor Society’s (NBTS) Defeat GBM initiative, a consortium of researchers across the globe that are sharing research to find the cure. Carly had the opportunity to meet with David Aarons, CEO of the NBTS and discuss the work being conducted in his organization.
Carly and Ric attended Head to the Hill in Washington in May to advocate for more funding and legislation to improve the lives of brain tumor patients and their families. We asked our Congressional Representatives for additional funding for cancer research and to support the Palliative Care and Education Act to improve access cancer patients’ access to palliative care. This was passed by the House in October and we are trilled to have been part of the process to see this done. We also asked our Congressional Representatives to enact GBM Awareness Day which was officially held on 17 July. We also participated in the Emory University Winship 5K in October to raise money for cancer research. We were part of Beth’s Team, a wonderful lady we met at the 2017 Head to the Hill who passed away in 2018 from a GBM.
Ales for Ashley at Second Self in Atlanta was highlighted by a young lady who came up to our table with a fist full of dollar bills. Her Mom had told her about Ashley and she had been saving her allowance to donate to finding a cure for GBM. She gave all she had. She acted to do something. Thanks to everyone who has acted on behalf of the GBM Foundation to help us fund research to find a cure. You honor us with your generosity of time and money.
Carly and Ric, Co-Founders GBM Foundation